FRESH CONTENT RELEASE – Premium Entertainment for Streaming Services

Premium Independent Entertainment For Streaming Services
Seriously Fresh Media is thrilled to offer this exciting new library of premium MOVIES, DOCUMENTARIES and ANIMATION, straight from the heart of movieland!
This vast collection offers star-driven, high-concept films that resonate with demographics of all ages.
See the SIZZLE REEL here:
Categories include social dramas; inspirational and uplifting films, thrillers, romantic comedies, action movies, teen comedies, bio-pics, intelligent horror/sci-fi, family films, kids and family animation, theatrical documentaries, pop-culture specials, docs that make a difference, docs that make you think, biographies on legendary musicians, and timely documentaries.

Just send us an email with some details about the rights you require and we’ll set you up with a great offer!
Also contact us if you’re looking for something specific. We can often locate and organise licenses for specific titles or libraries via our international network of studios, producers and distributors.
To your success!
The Seriously Fresh Team